Schedule Pay
The Schedule Pay section allows you to perform the
following functions.
- Active
By clicking on the Active checkbox, you will
make the schedule payment feature available
for utility bills to your customers.
- Maximum Days In Future
The Maximum Days In Future field allows you to
set the maximum number of days in the future
that the bill will be automatically charged
against the customer's account.
- Start Notice
The Start Notice field allows you to set a
custom message that will be displayed to your
customers when they go into the schedule
payments setup.
Note: The variable:
- {ScheduleMaxDaysBefore}
Displays the value stored in the field
"Maximum Days In Future" on the customers
- Scheduled Notice
The Scheduled Notice field allows you to set a
custom message that will be displayed to your
customers when they have completed the schedule
payments process.
Note: The variables:
- {PaymentAmount}
Displays the amount the customer has
scheduled to pay.
- {AccountAlias}
Displays the Alias that the customer has
defined for their account.
- {AccountNumber}
Displays the customers linked account
- {ScheduleDate}
Displays the date the customer has set
for the payment of the bill.